Subject: Re: Installing symlink from /usr/pkg/bin/python to preferred version...
To: Michal Pasternak <>
From: grant beattie <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/23/2004 00:28:41
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On Thu, Jan 22, 2004 at 01:23:37PM +0100, Michal Pasternak wrote:

> It won't work as a binary package (except I want the Python version that
> build machine uses, which might not be exactly the one).=20
> When installed, it doesn't allow me to change the version I choosed during
> "compile" time (I must have pkgsrc installed).
> So, I don't think it's worth to import that Makefile to pkgsrc. It doesn't
> fix anything, really.
> Such functionality (provide one, common name for one or more different
> versions of single package) should be provided by some lower layer of
> pkgsrc, in a generalised way, available for all packages.

I think the point of it was to be able to run random python scripts
rather than to help pkgsrc installed scripts... users (as opposed to
administrators) would generally expect to be able to run 'python' and
get at least some installed version...


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