Subject: Re: VTunD not doing anything
To: None <>
From: Mirko Thiesen <thiesi@ReLink.NetWorkXXIII.Sytes.NET>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/01/2004 23:20:56
On Mon, 29 Dec 2003, Mirko Thiesen wrote:

> Now everything works - except VTunD (vtun-2.6nb3). It did compile and
> install sucessfully, however, it simply does not do anything. The tun
> device interfaces don't come up automatically after rebooting (after being
> created at some stage of the boot process). If I "ifconfig tunX up" them
> manually, nothing happens.

As Christoph Badura and Michael van Elst - thanks to both of them! -
pointed out, the solution was the recently changed authentication scheme
of VTunD. The system on the other side is running FreeBSD, and updating
VTunD on that system using the FreeBSD ports collection did not help.
Obviously, VTunD 2.6 is not the same as VTunD 2.6 -- 2.6 from PkgSrc
incorporates the changes from OpenFortress.NL and should be some kind of
pre-3.0 whereas 2.6 from FreeBSD ports really is 2.6.

Applying the patch from the distfiles directory on the FreeBSD machine
helped and made the tunnel working again.

Thanks again to Michael van Elst and Christoph Badura!

Bye, K&K,

PS: A Happy New Year, by the way!
thiesi@NetWork23.Sytes.NET ---- NetBSD: Power to the people!
Tel.: ++49-(0)171-416 05 09 -- Fax: ++49-(0)171-134 16 05 09
Mirko Thiesen, P.O. Box 26 03 54, D-13413 Berlin, W. Germany
             "We're with you all the way, mostly"