Subject: Re: why python+pth?
To: Perry E.Metzger <>
From: Jeremy C. Reed <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/17/2003 14:08:15
On Mon, 17 Nov 2003, Perry E.Metzger wrote:

> Several packages (like bittorrent) seem to REQUIRE(!?) pth versions of
> python. Why is this? Aren't our native threads good enough?

Then the python is built using the native threads. (If not, let us know.)

The regular python is built like:

 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=        --without-threads
 # XXX configure would pull in libpthread
 CONFIGURE_ENV+=         ac_cv_search_sem_init=no

The python with threads, like python23-pth, is built like:

 PTHREAD_OPTS=   require
 .include "../../mk/"
 .if ${PTHREAD_TYPE} == "pth"
 CONFIGURE_ARGS+=        --with-pth

The mk/ says: "PTHREAD_OPTS ... may include the word
'require' to denote that a pthreads implementation is required ...".

On a box with native threads:
 $ make show-var VARNAME=PTHREAD_TYPE

(On same box, I use PYTHON_VERSION_DEFAULT=23pth and I do not have the pth
package installed.)

   Jeremy C. Reed