Subject: Re: pkgsrc make clean speedup
To: None <>
From: David Maxwell <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/07/2003 22:11:30
On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 06:39:26AM -0500, wrote:
> Just so I'm sure I understand, it just works by checking for $WRKDIR first
> and only cleaning if it exists right?  Therefore eliminating up to 3000
> calls to make :)  So my only question is if it does the right thing if you
> have something like
> WRKOBJDIR=             /u2/disk1/build/pkgsrc
> in /etc/mk.conf and possibly a read-only /usr/pkgsrc
> In the first case, /usr/pkgsrc/foo/bar/work will be a link to
> /u2/disk1/build/pkgsrc/foo/bar/work  and in the second,
> /usr/pkgsrc/foo/bar/work will never even exist, but
> /u2/disk1/build/pkgsrc/foo/bar/work will.  As long as those 2 variations
> are dealt with then I think this is a good idea.

Naturally, it did not. Here's a new one.

I did not take the other suggestion, of using rm -r in the WORKOBJDIR
case, since concievably someone might have something else in that
directory as well. Cleaning each dir is slower, but more correct, and

(Did 'DUDS' go away? - if so, I'll cut that part out - I can no longer
find any uses of it.)

Tack this onto the end of pkgsrc/mk/

	@REM="***  Loop over the subdirs of the current directory.                    ***";
	@REM="***  We might have been called from the top level pkgsrc dir, or from a ***";
	@REM="***  category directory.                                                ***";
	@for entry in "" ${SUBDIR}; do                                                              \
		REM="************************************"; \
		REM="***  Skip empty entries          ***"; \
		REM="************************************"; \
		if [ "X$$entry" = "X" ]; then continue; fi;                                         \
		OK="";                                                                              \
		REM="************************************"; \
		REM="***  Loop over DUDS              ***"; \
		REM="************************************"; \
		for dud in "" ${DUDS}; do                                                           \
			REM="************************************"; \
			REM="***  Skip empty DUD entries      ***"; \
			REM="************************************"; \
			if [ "X$$dud" = "X" ]; then continue; fi;                                   \
			REM="***********************************************************"; \
			REM="***  If the current entry (pkg or cat)  is a dud, set a ***"; \
			REM="***  flag, msg that it will                             ***"; \
			REM="***  be skipped, and skip checking the rest.            ***"; \
			REM="***********************************************************"; \
			if [ $${dud} = $${entry} ]; then                                            \
				${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${_THISDIR_}$${entry} is a DUD - skipped";        \
				continue 2;                                                         \
			fi;                                                                         \
		done;                                                                               \
		REM="****************************************************************"; \
		REM="***  Look for the category, or individual package directory. ***"; \
		REM="***  I can't remember why it looks for .${MACHINE}           ***"; \
		REM="***  Set 'edir' to the directory.                            ***"; \
		REM="****************************************************************"; \
		if [ -d ${.CURDIR}/$${entry}.${MACHINE} ]; then                                     \
			edir=$${entry}.${MACHINE};                                                  \
		elif [ -d ${.CURDIR}/$${entry} ]; then                                              \
			edir=$${entry};                                                             \
		else                                                                                \
			OK="false";                                                                 \
			${ECHO_MSG} "===> ${_THISDIR_}$${entry} non-existent";                      \
		fi;                                                                                 \
		if [ "$$OK" = "" ]; then                                                            \
			REM="*************************************************************"; \
			REM="***  Handle being started from the top of the pkgsrc tree ***"; \
			REM="*************************************************************"; \
			if [ "X${PKGSRCTOP}" = "Xyes" ]; then                                       \
				cd ${.CURDIR}/$${edir};                                             \
				${ECHO_MSG} "===> Category - ${_THISDIR_}$${edir}";                 \
				${ECHO_MSG} "===> Cleaning ===> ";                                  \
				CLEANED_SOMETHING="";                                               \
				REM="**************************************"; \
				REM="***  Recurse into the category dir ***"; \
				REM="**************************************"; \
				${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} fastclean ;                                    \
				${ECHO_MSG} "";                                                     \
			else                                                                        \
			REM="**************************************************"; \
			REM="***  Handle being started from a category dir  ***"; \
			REM="***  Check each pkg subdir for extant workdirs ***"; \
			REM="***  and clean it (normally) if there are any  ***"; \
			REM="***********************************************************************"; \
			REM="***  We can't check for workdirs created by old WRKOBJDIR settings  ***"; \
			REM="***  because they could be anywhere in the filesystem. So, only     ***"; \
			REM="***  workdirs matching the current mk.conf settings will be cleaned.***"; \
			REM="***********************************************************************"; \
				if [ "X${WRKOBJDIR}" = "X" ]; then                                  \
					CHECKDIR=${.CURDIR}/$${edir}/${WRKDIR_BASENAME};            \
					else                                                        \
				fi;                                                                 \
				if [ -d $${CHECKDIR} ]; then                                        \
					cd ${.CURDIR}/$${edir};                                     \
					${ECHO_MSG} -n " $${edir} ";                                \
					CLEANED_SOMETHING="yes";                                    \
					REM="*****************************************"; \
					REM="***  Recurse into the pkg dir (clean) ***"; \
					REM="*****************************************"; \
					${MAKE} ${MAKEFLAGS} clean ;                                \
				fi;                                                                 \
			fi;                                                                         \
		fi;                                                                                 \

David Maxwell,| -->
Any sufficiently advanced Common Sense will seem like magic... 
					      - me