Subject: pkgsrc/www/galeon -> 1.3.x (mozilla/gtk2 changes)
To: None <>
From: Brian A. Seklecki <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/19/2003 16:51:47

Galeon is one of only a few apps for which a gtk2 eqivilant package  
hasn't been been implemented.  I've got Galeon 1.3.9 working on my - 
current/i386 1.6ZD box ATM, however, a few changes to it's dependency  
on Mozilla would have to be made.  For some reason, the Mozilla that  
Galeon links against must be linked against the gtk2 toolkit.

1)  The package config files in:


...are not getting installed into $LOCALBASE/lib/pkgconfig (probably  
because of the mozilla do-install: target calling files/install-moz).   
This is probably more send-pr(1) worthy.

If you manually bring them in, however, they reference $localbase/{lib, 
include}/mozilla-1.4 instead of ./mozilla.

2) Some changes need to be made to the Mozilla makefile.common:

# diff -u Makefile.common Makefile.common-lava
--- Makefile.common     2003-10-19 16:36:42.000000000 -0400
+++ Makefile.common-lava        2003-10-19 11:35:48.000000000 -0400
@@ -20,13 +20,14 @@
 USE_GMAKE=     yes
 USE_X11=       yes
-CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-tests \
-               --disable-debug \
-               --disable-pedantic \
+CONFIGURE_ARGS+= --disable-pedantic \
+               --disable-tests \
                --with-system-jpeg=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.jpeg} \
                --with-system-png=${BUILDLINK_PREFIX.png} \
                --enable-mathml \
-               --enable-crypto
+               --enable-crypto \
+               --enable-debug \
+               --enable-default-toolkit=gtk2

 SHAREMODE?=    644
 ALL_TARGET=    # empty
@@ -36,11 +37,12 @@
 UNLIMIT_RESOURCES=     datasize memorysize stacksize

 .include       "../../graphics/freetype2/"
-.include       "../../graphics/gdk-pixbuf/"
+#.include      "../../graphics/gdk-pixbuf/"
 .include       "../../graphics/jpeg/"
 .include       "../../graphics/png/"
-.include       "../../net/ORBit/"
-.include       "../../x11/gtk/"
+.include       "../../net/ORBit2/"
+.include       "../../x11/gtk2/"
+.include       "../../net/libIDL/"

 # NetBSD-*-m68k builds, but "regchrome" dumps core.
 NOT_FOR_PLATFORM=      NetBSD-1.4.*-* NetBSD-*-m68k

Note: the gdk-pixbuf has to go because it references the gtk1/glib2  
instance, and the gtk2 buildlink2 brings in the new gtk2/lib2 gdk- 
pixbuf dependencies.

--enable-debug probably isn't needed, but I did it for the time being.

I'm thinking these could be conditionalized, or, perhaps "mozilla-gtk2"  
pgksrc entry could be implemented that calls on Mozilla.common

3) pkgsrc/www/galeon should probably be renamed as pkgsrc/ww/galeon- 
gtk1 in following with the rest of the gtk2/glib2/gnome2 adaptations`  
naming convention.

The current file needs *almost* no adaptations except the obvious gtk2  
changes (there are no patches).


I'll send-pr(1) on all of this --

Screenshot at:
