Subject: how to get pkg/22589 looked at or committed?
To: NetBSD Package Maintainers List <>
From: Julian C. Dunn <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/13/2003 12:35:24
Pardon me if I'm asking a FAQ here, but generally what is the procedure
to get someone to look at a PR for a new package, and what is the
procedure for getting it committed. I submitted pr/22589 a few weeks ago
and there hasn't been any activity on it.

I've heard about pkgsrc-wip on SourceForge. Is that the generally
accepted starting point to go about submitting new packages? i.e.
getting it peer-reviewed first?

- Julian

[    Julian C. Dunn <> * <>    ]
[   WWW:  * PGP: 0xFDC205B9   ]
[      "sometimes you win, sometimes you lose / and most times      ]
[     you choose between the two" - carole king, "sweet seasons"    ]