Subject: Re: Adding vm-pop3d to pkgsrc
To: Jeremy C. Reed <>
From: Bryan Vyhmeister <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/11/2003 21:54:24
On Wednesday, June 11, 2003, at 12:13 PM, Jeremy C. Reed wrote:

> On Sat, 7 Jun 2003, Bryan Vyhmeister wrote:
>> I was just wondering why vm-pop3d is not in pkgsrc. I tried to make an
>> addition to pkgsrc from the port in FreeBSD but it did not work very
>> well. I see that Jeremy C. Reed is very active on this list. He is the
>> maintainer of vm-pop3d itself as far as I can tell. Why don't we have
>> it in pkgsrc? Thank you for your time.
> Hello Bryan,
> Yes, I can package it. (I need to finish the official new release 
> first;
> we have made many changes in the past 1.5 years. Also, I am about to 
> place
> the source at a CVS hosting service. Be sure to join the 
> vm-pop3d-announce
> to learn of new release.)

That's fine. Sounds great!

> Do you want it to pre-create a vm-pop3d user and group? Or should it 
> use
> mail group?

I don't know. I would tend to think that it should use its own user and 
group rather than the existing mail group. There is no mail user right 
now in 1.6.1 as far as I know. Would this make any difference for using 
Postfix versus Sendmail?

> I'll also need to make a rcorder-style rc.d script. But running from 
> inetd
> is better because then no superuser privileges are needed (when using
> virtual users).

So the choice is rc.d script or inetd? I always prefer rc.d script 
rather than inetd but whatever is better is fine with me. I'm looking 
forward to the package! Thank you.
