Subject: Re: buildlink problems
To: None <>
From: Klaus Heinz <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 11/14/2002 04:25:12
Jonathan Perkin wrote:

> -lc) arg="" ;; #4
> # $NetBSD: post-cache,v 1.7 2002/10/30 00:23:00 jlam Exp $

> I've been trying to further diagnose this, but having never looked at
> before it's taking a while to grok :)  Looks like
> the problem snuck in when moving to a single _BLNK_TRANSFORM_SED.

My reason for asking for help were much the same as yours :-).

I have observed the same problem and reported it on 2002-11-3/4 here
('buildlink2 ld script drops -lc'). Johnny Lam requested some
information which I sent and I guess he's added this to his (probably
already too big) pile of things to-do.
