Subject: NetBSD PR pkg/16150
To: None <>
From: Marc Espie <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/01/2002 15:14:52
The problem lies with the LinkFileList macro.

It used to be:

#define LinkFileList(step,list,dir,sub)
step:: list                                                            @@\
       @MakeFlagsToShellFlags(i,set +e); \                             @@\
       echo "  cd" dir; cd dir && \                                    @@\
       for i in list; do (set -x; $(LN) -f sub/$$i .); done

and now it is:
#define LinkFileList(step,list,dir,sub)
step:: 								       @@\
       @MakeFlagsToShellFlags(i,set +e); \                             @@\
       echo "  cd" dir; cd dir && \                                    @@\
       for i in list; do (set -x; $(LN) -f sub/$$i .); done

(give or take a few details).

So, the step argument does no longer depend on list. Hence the rules for
list are no longer used, and we get dangling symbolic links to nowhere.

There are reasons for the change in XFree 4.2.0.

A quick fix for canna is to put back the old definition in Canna/conf

A somewhat larger fix is to add a few rules of the sort
step:: list

explicitly to the corresponding Imakefiles.

	Marc Espie, OpenBSD project