Subject: Re: teTeX and TeXfamily (pkg/13446)
To: Naoto Shimazaki <>
From: SUNAGAWA Keiki <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 09/17/2001 15:13:44
Naoto Shimazaki <> wrote:

Naoto> yes, inserting \scrollmode before logical timer bomb
Naoto> is the solution. :-)

Naoto> The shortest (I think) work around is insert
Naoto> \scrollmode to latex.ltx like below.  '1 year old'
Naoto> error will never stop installation although
Naoto> '\ifnum\count@>99' becomes true!

Thanks for your inspection.

Though I also think it is the cleaner idea, it still has
some problems to process the file platex.fmt.  With your
patch, the file is generated, but ./ptex exits with status 2
In texk/web2c/ptex-src-2.1.10, which causes make build

I'll be working on this.
