Subject: pkgconflict output
To: None <>
From: Dr. Lex Wennmacher <wennmach@geo.Uni-Koeln.DE>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 04/11/2001 19:01:22
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

Hi Folks,

I ran pkgconflict (version 0.3) on the binary packages produced by the last
i386 bulk build (thanks to Hubert for the account on smaug!). pkgconflict
produces two tables, CFL-count (small), which lists the conflicting packages
and the number of conflicting files, and CFL-files (big) which lists all
package pairs with every conflicting file (if any). I attach CFL-count,
CFL-files is available from

This version of pkgconflict tries to not list a pair of packages as conflicting
if they are marked as such (@pkgcfl entry in the +CONTENTS file). This is the
tricky part as I had to define an operator in PostgreSQL which does the name
matching. The postfix entries (see below) may be caused by the fact that the
PostgreSQL operator does not work in exactly the same way than "pkg_info -e".
If that is the case I'll try to repair that.

The conflicts listed seem to fall in two categories:
Packages with a large amount of conflicting files (e.g. netatalk-asun-2.1.3nb4
/ netatalk-umich-19990130nb2). These are usually due to missing or wrong
CONFLICTS entries. postfix uses non-standard patch level designators. verilog
didn't use wildcards in the CONFLICTS entry (I already changed & commited

The other group are conflicting packages with only one or a few common files
(e. g. digest/majordomo, host/bind, squsq/ispell, etc. ), partially caused by
files that "accidentially" have the same name.

So, what do we do with this knowlege now? The easiest task is to go through the
obviously conflicting packages (the first of the above cateories) and mark them
as conflicting. If no one objects, I will do that for:

netatalk-asun | netatalk-umich
nmh           | ja-mh6
lukemftpd     | wu-ftpd

Don't know what the problem is with:

kdelibdocs-1.1           | kdelibdocs_kdoc2-1.1 # has the pkgname changed?
postfix-20010228-pl1     | postfix-20010228     # use nb.. for patch levels?

A more tedious task will be to repair conflicts of the second category. I think
here the package maintainers of the concerned packages should get in contact
with each other.

I intend to run pkgconflict after each bulk build now.


Content-Type: text/plain ; name="CFL-count" ; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment ; filename="CFL-count"

CFL-count table generated Tue Apr 10 16:28:59 MEST 2001
This table contains:
    a pair of conflicting packages (unique) (first 2 columns)
    the count of conflicting files          (third column)
           pkg            |            pkg             | count 
 Hugs98-199905            | hugs98-200002              |    83
 Mesa-3.1                 | MesaLib-3.4                |    13
 Mesa-3.1                 | glu-3.4                    |     6
 Mesa-3.1                 | glut-3.4                   |     4
 MesaLib-3.4              | Mesa-3.1                   |    13
 ORBit-0.5.2              | popt-1.2                   |     1
 ORBit-0.5.3nb1           | popt-1.2                   |     1
 OpenSP-1.4               | opensp-1.4                 |   197
 arla-0.34.2              | lwp-1.1                    |     1
 arla-0.34.2              | rx-1.5                     |     1
 arla-0.34.5              | lwp-1.1                    |     1
 arla-0.34.5              | rx-1.5                     |     1
 balsa-0.9.0              | gnome-core-        |     1
 balsa-0.9.3              | gnome-core-        |     1
 balsa-1.0.0              | gnome-core-        |     1
 base64-1.0               | openssl-0.9.5a             |     1
 coda-client-      | coda-server-        |     1
 coda-client-      | coda-server-5.3.5          |     1
 coda-client-      | rpc2-1.5                   |     1
 coda-doc-         | lmbench-2.11a              |     1
 coda-server-      | coda-client-        |     1
 coda-server-      | rpc2-1.5                   |     1
 coda-server-      | rvm-1.1                    |     2
 coda-server-5.3.5        | coda-client-        |     1
 coda-server-5.3.5        | rpc2-1.5                   |     1
 coda-server-5.3.5        | rvm-1.1                    |     2
 cups-1.1                 | LPRng-core-3.6.26          |    13
 cyrus-imapd-1.6.24       | imap-uw-2000a              |     1
 cyrus-imapd-1.6.24       | imap-uw-4.7c6              |     1
 cyrus-imapd-1.6.24       | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     1
 cyrus-imapd-1.6.24nb1    | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     1
 ee-0.3.12                | gnome-core-        |     1
 expect-5.25              | surfraw-0.5.5              |     1
 expect-5.25              | tcl-expect-5.32.1          |     6
 expect-5.25              | tk-expect-5.32.1           |     2
 geneweb-3.06             | textutils-2.0              |     1
 geneweb-3.07             | textutils-2.0              |     1
 gnome-applets-1.2.1      | gnome-core-        |   173
 gnome-applets-1.2.2      | gnome-core-        |   173
 gnome-core-      | balsa-0.9.0                |     1
 gnome-core-      | balsa-0.9.3                |     1
 gnome-core-      | balsa-1.0.0                |     1
 gnome-core-      | ee-0.3.12                  |     1
 gnome-core-      | gnome-applets-1.2.1        |   173
 gnome-core-      | gnome-applets-1.2.2        |   173
 hugelatex-1.0            | jadetex-2.20               |     1
 hugelatex-1.0            | teTeX-bin-1.0.7            |     1
 hugelatex-1.0            | teTeX-bin-1.0.7nb1         |     1
 hugs98-200002            | Hugs98-199905              |    83
 id-utils-3.2             | sh-utils-2.0               |     1
 imap-uw-2000a            | cyrus-imapd-1.6.24         |     1
 imap-uw-4.7c6            | cyrus-imapd-1.6.24         |     1
 ispell-3.1.20            | squsq-3.3                  |     1
 jadetex-2.20             | hugelatex-1.0              |     1
 jadetex-2.20             | teTeX-bin-1.0.7            |     1
 jadetex-2.20             | teTeX-bin-1.0.7nb1         |     1
 jed-0.98-7               | jed-0.98.7                 |   157
 kth-krb4-1.0.1           | cyrus-imapd-1.6.24         |     1
 kth-krb4-1.0.1           | cyrus-imapd-1.6.24nb1      |     1
 kth-krb4-1.0.1           | libdes-4.04b               |     1
 kth-krb4-1.0.1           | lukemftp-1.2               |     1
 kth-krb4-1.0.1           | lukemftp-1.5               |     1
 kth-krb4-1.0.1           | plib-1.0.20                |     2
 kth-krb4-1.0.1           | wu-ftpd-2.6.1              |     2
 kth-krb4-1.0.1           | zephyr-2.0.4               |     2
 ldapsdk-12311998         | openh323-1.1beta3          |     1
 lesstif-0.91.4           | openmotif-2.1.30           |   204
 lesstif-0.92.6           | openmotif-2.1.30           |   221
 libdes-4.04b             | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     1
 lmbench-2.11a            | coda-doc-           |     1
 lukemftp-1.2             | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     1
 lukemftp-1.5             | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     1
 lwp-1.1                  | arla-0.34.2                |     1
 lwp-1.1                  | arla-0.34.5                |     1
 mkisofs-1.11.3           | cdrecord-1.9               |     2
 mp3info-0.2.16           | gmp3info-0.8.2             |     1
 netatalk-asun-2.1.3nb3   | netatalk-umich-19990130nb1 |    60
 netatalk-asun-2.1.3nb3   | netatalk-umich-19990130nb2 |    60
 netatalk-asun-2.1.3nb4   | netatalk-umich-19990130nb1 |    60
 netatalk-asun-2.1.3nb4   | netatalk-umich-19990130nb2 |    60
 nethack-lib-3.3.0        | nethack-x11-3.3.1          |     1
 nethack-x11-3.3.1        | nethack-lib-3.3.0          |     1
 nocol-4.3.1nb1           | ucd-snmp-4.0.1             |     2
 nocol-4.3.1nb1           | ucd-snmp-          |     2
 nocol-4.3.1nb1           | ucd-snmp-4.1.2             |     2
 openh323-1.1beta3        | ldapsdk-12311998           |     1
 openh323-1.1beta3        | openldap-1.2.11            |     1
 openh323-1.1beta3        | openldap-1.2.7p1           |     1
 openldap-1.2.11          | openh323-1.1beta3          |     1
 openldap-1.2.7p1         | openh323-1.1beta3          |     1
 opensp-1.4               | OpenSP-1.4                 |   197
 openssl-0.9.5a           | base64-1.0                 |     1
 p5-CGI-2.72              | perl-5.6.0                 |     8
 p5-CGI-2.74              | perl-5.6.0                 |     8
 p5-Data-Dumper-2.101     | perl-5.6.0                 |     1
 p5-Devel-DProf-19970614  | perl-5.6.0                 |     2
 p5-Devel-DProf-19990108  | perl-5.6.0                 |     3
 p5-Digest-MD5-2.09       | p5-SHA-1.2                 |     2
 p5-Digest-MD5-2.12       | p5-SHA-1.2                 |     2
 p5-SHA-1.2               | p5-Digest-MD5-2.09         |     2
 p5-SHA-1.2               | p5-Digest-MD5-2.12         |     2
 perl-5.6.0               | p5-CGI-2.72                |     8
 perl-5.6.0               | p5-CGI-2.74                |     8
 perl-5.6.0               | p5-Data-Dumper-2.101       |     1
 perl-5.6.0               | p5-Devel-DProf-19970614    |     2
 perl-5.6.0               | p5-Devel-DProf-19990108    |     3
 perl-base-5.6.0          | perl-5.6.0                 |  1060
 plib-1.0.20              | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     2
 popt-1.2                 | ORBit-0.5.3nb1             |     1
 ppp-mppe-2.3.9           | ppp-2.3.11                 |     9
 psmisc-19                | pstree-2.14                |     1
 psmisc-19                | pstree-2.16                |     1
 ptl-2.1.5                | ptl2-990622                |  1184
 ptl-2.1.7                | ptl2-990622                |  1184
 ptl2-990622              | ptl-2.1.5                  |  1184
 ptl2-990622              | ptl-2.1.7                  |  1184
 qt2-docs-2.2.3           | qt2-2.0.2                  |     2
 qt2-docs-2.2.4           | qt2-2.0.2                  |     2
 qt2-libs-2.2.3           | qt2-2.0.2                  |   244
 qt2-libs-2.2.4           | qt2-2.0.2                  |   244
 rpc2-1.5                 | coda-client-        |     1
 rpc2-1.5                 | coda-server-        |     1
 rpc2-1.5                 | coda-server-5.3.5          |     1
 rvm-1.1                  | coda-server-        |     2
 rvm-1.1                  | coda-server-5.3.5          |     2
 rx-1.5                   | arla-0.34.2                |     1
 rx-1.5                   | arla-0.34.5                |     1
 scotty-2.1.8             | tcl-scotty-2.1.10          |    21
 scotty-2.1.8             | tkined-1.4.10              |     2
 sh-utils-2.0             | id-utils-3.2               |     1
 sidplay-1.36.35          | libsidplay-1.36.38         |    10
 sidplay-1.36.35          | libsidplay-1.36.45         |    10
 squsq-3.3                | ispell-3.1.20              |     1
 surfaw-0.5.4             | surfraw-0.5.5              |    13
 surfaw-0.5.4             | surfraw-0.5.7              |    13
 surfaw-0.5.4             | surfraw-1.0.2              |    13
 surfraw-0.5.5            | expect-5.25                |     1
 tcl-8.3.2                | tclX-8.0.4                 |     1
 tcl-8.3.2                | tclman-8.0.5               |   398
 tcl-scotty-2.1.10        | scotty-2.1.8               |    21
 tclX-8.0.4               | tcl-8.3.2                  |     1
 tclman-8.0.5             | tcl-8.3.2                  |   398
 teTeX-bin-1.0.7          | hugelatex-1.0              |     1
 teTeX-bin-1.0.7          | jadetex-2.20               |     1
 teTeX-bin-1.0.7          | texi2html-1.52             |     2
 teTeX-bin-1.0.7          | texi2html-1.64             |     2
 teTeX-bin-1.0.7nb1       | hugelatex-1.0              |     1
 teTeX-bin-1.0.7nb1       | jadetex-2.20               |     1
 textutils-2.0            | geneweb-3.06               |     1
 textutils-2.0            | geneweb-3.07               |     1
 tk-expect-5.32.1         | expect-5.25                |     2
 tkined-1.4.10            | scotty-2.1.8               |     2
 ucd-snmp-4.0.1           | nocol-4.3.1nb1             |     2
 ucd-snmp-        | nocol-4.3.1nb1             |     2
 ucd-snmp-4.1.2           | nocol-4.3.1nb1             |     2
 umb-scheme-2.12          | vscm-0.4                   |     1
 verilog-current-20000805 | verilog-0.3                |    15
 verilog-current-20001216 | verilog-0.3                |    15
 vnc-              | vncviewer-          |     1
 vncviewer-        | vnc-                |     1
 vscm-0.4                 | umb-scheme-2.12            |     1
 wu-ftpd-2.6.1            | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     2
 xbill-2.0                | gnome-games-1.2.0          |    47
 xpdf-crypto-0.90         | xpdf-0.91                  |    12
 xpdf-crypto-0.90         | xpdf-0.92                  |    12
 zephyr-2.0.4             | kth-krb4-1.0.1             |     2
(166 rows)
