Subject: Re: pkgsrc reorg II [was: Re: port2pkg and new FreeBSD port layout]
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
From: Dominik Rothert <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/28/2000 17:26:18
Hubert Feyrer <> wrote:

> > So, do we have a plan to change layout pkgsrc as FreeBSD ports?
> My proposal for following FreeBSD sill stands, even if people were not
> able to concentrate on that in a useful discussion.

I didn't get the first discussion on that issue, but _why_ should we 
start changing our package layout to FreeBSD's newer port layout?


/*  Dominik Rothert         |   *
 *  A S T O R I T           |  *
 *  Hohenzollernring 52     |       fon +49-221-251440  *
 *  50672 Cologne, Germany  |       fax +49-221-251443  */:wq!