Subject: Re: port2pkg and new FreeBSD port layout
To: None <>
From: Dominik Rothert <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/27/2000 18:11:22 wrote:

> I don't use port2pkg myself, but can someone please comment if it was
> adjusted to the new FreeBSD ports layout? I'm looking at PR 11684, and it
> includes a number of files that really scare me (pkg-*, files/patch-*,
> ...).

I tested it today with FreeBSD's xtermset - port2pkg did a good job. 
Of course, no patch-checksums were available and HOMEPAGE was also missing.


/*  Dominik Rothert         |   *
 *  A S T O R I T           |  *
 *  Hohenzollernring 52     |       fon +49-221-251440  *
 *  50672 Cologne, Germany  |       fax +49-221-251443  */:wq!