Subject: Re: Install directories
To: Jason R. Fink <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 10/02/2000 23:23:56
On Mon, 2 Oct 2000, Jason R. Fink wrote:
> 1) the dist installs to /usr/local/blah . . .
>    *most* NetBSD packages install to /usr/pkg/blah . . .
>    is it preferable to have it install to /usr/pkg/blah . . .

Which part do you mean here, the "/usr/pkg" part, or the "blah" part? 

For the "/usr/pkg" part, packages should take all necessary efforts to
install into $PREFIX, whatever that's set to. 

For the "bla" part: insides $PREFIX, pkgs should follow the "normal"
hierarchy in there - programs into bin or sbin, etc.

> 2) the only method(s) i saw for sending in a new pkg was via
>    send-pr, I have read the documentation on it but am still
>    a little fuzzy on how to submit a pkg for the pkgsrc tree.

Just type send-pr and see what happens. When you quit the editor you'll
get a chance to really send or quit (discard) the PR. 

 - Hubert

Hubert Feyrer <>