Subject: Re: skill package changes for NetBSD >= 1.5
To: Simon Burge <simonb@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/23/2000 05:05:00
On Fri, 23 Jun 2000, Simon Burge wrote:
> The problem wasn't getting $OS_VERSION, but how to say
> 	if ${OS_VERSION} >= 1.5
> or even
> 	if ${OS_VERSION} >= 1.4Z
> in make language...

OIC. According ot make.1, you can do some arithmetic comparisons, but of
course that won't work with release numbers. I guess you should just grep
for KPROC2... :-)

 - Hubert

NetBSD - because Unix isn't just #include <linux.h>, i386, ILP32, ELF, ...!