To: None <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/08/2000 15:10:06
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

here is a small perl script I just wrote to help me managing binary
packages. it prints duplicates packages (same package with 2 different
version), missing package required by another package, which packages
requires a package. Can be usefull for those of us who burn custom CDs ...

Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI. 

Content-Type: application/x-perl
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=""

#! /usr/pkg/bin/perl

opendir(DOT, ".") or die "can't open .: $!";
while ($f = readdir(DOT)) {
	if ($f =~ m|^(.+)-[0-9].*\.tgz|) {
		if ($file{$1}) {
			printf("duplicate packages $file{$1}, $f\n");
		$file{$1} = $f;
		$dep{$f} = " ";
foreach (keys %dep) {
	$file = $_;
	open(CONTENTS, "tar --fast-read --to-stdout -xzf $file +CONTENTS|") or
	    printf STDERR "can't expand $file: $!";
	while (<CONTENTS>) {
		if (m|^\@pkgdep (.*)$|) {
			$deppkg = $1;
			if ($deppkg =~ m|^(.+)-[0-9].*|) {
				$deppkgfile = "$deppkg".".tgz";
				if (! defined($dep{$deppkgfile})) {
					printf("missing $deppkg for $file");
					if ($file{$1}) {
						printf(" (we have $file{$1})");
				} else {
					$dep{$deppkgfile} = $dep{$deppkgfile}." $file";
			# should handle wilcard deps here !
	close CONTENTS;
	if ($? != 0) {
        	printf STDERR "tar failed ($?)\n";

foreach (keys %dep) {
	$file = $_;
	if ($dep{$_} ne " ") {
		printf "$file required by:$dep{$file}\n";
