Subject: Five and a half more pkgsrc questions.
To: None <>
From: David Maxwell <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 02/06/2000 23:30:35
Four and a half design questions, and one odd-ball this time.
5. static libraries (.a) distributed with a package don't need to
be installed when:
(A) Never, they should always be installed
(B) if unlikely to be used by other packages.
(C) A or B at packager's discretion (criteria?)
6. {INSTALL_MAN_DIR} should be used instead of ${MKDIR} when:
(A) Creating ${PREFIX}/share/[docs|examples|man]/X
(B) Always
(C) Never
7. It is acceptable to build X11 optional packages:
(A) as a text-only package
(B) as an X-11 only package
(C) as multiple packages - i.e. Z (no X), Z-gtk, Z-tk, Z-xlib,
which must CONFLICT, be committed at the same time, and have the same maintainer.
(D) A and B
7b. A text-only package should:
(A) Disable testing for graphics support.
(B) Follow the normal install process for the tool.
8. Packages with options for supporting NetBSD features (i.e. IPV6)
should be:
(A) Never committed without support.
(B) Committed with all the features the pkger can test.
Someone else can fix other features later.
(C) Prepared as far as possible, then referenced on tech-pkg, to find
someone with the required hardware/software to complete the pkg.
(D) B or C, judgement call based on pkg value without those features.
9. Creating a new pkgsrc category 'exper' to distribute new utilities
proposed for future NetBSD releases, or test versions of utilities is:
(A) The dumbest thing I've ever heard.
(B) A useful thought.
(C) Would be useful, but needs some guidelines (for inclusion) first.
(D) B, but should be called...
David Maxwell,| -->
Any sufficiently advanced Common Sense will seem like magic...
- me