Subject: Re: Four pkg building design questions
To: David Maxwell <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 01/24/2000 13:35:31
On Mon, 24 Jan 2000, David Maxwell wrote:
> 1. When a FreeBSD port exists, importing it and making changes from there is:
> (A) Required
> (B) Required, if the NetBSD pkg draws from it.
> (C) Preferred (criteria?)
> (D) Optional (criteria?)

Deprecated, as the FreeBSD Ports collection is known to not support all
the OS we do, not take proper care for replacing /usr/local, and in
general has caused more trouble than good (from my personal experience;

> 2. Packages with libs or includes should have their own directory in
> $PREFIX/[lib/include] when:
> (A) Any of their files have non-standard extensions (.a .so .h)
> (B) Any of their files have generic names (parser.h list.h ...)
> (C) The package has more than 2 files.

Neither. The package's default behaviour should be used, and not changed.
Other 3rd party software - in pkgsrc or not - may depend on the directory
names that the software came with initially.

Anything else just leads to a lot of manual work to adjust these pkgs.

> 3. contrib type files, like example scripts for use with a pkg should be:
> (A) installed in share/doc/(pkg)
> (B) installed in share/example/(pkg)
> (C) installed in bin/ (Even if it forces otherwise unneeded DEPENDS on perl?)

B - see pkgsrc ...

> 4. libraries distributed with a package should be:
> (A) Treated as part of the package
> (B) Broken out into their own package
> (C) B, if likely to be used by other packages.
> (D) A or B at packager's discretion (criteria?)

A, usually.

 - Hubert

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