Subject: Re: RESTRICTED binary packages on
To: None <>
From: Frederick Bruckman <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 12/31/1999 09:54:33
On Thu, 30 Dec 1999, Christoph Badura wrote:

> Hmm... Looks like LICENCE and KERBEROS is supposed to be recorded
> in the BUILD_INFO for the binary pkg (The LICENCE for my ssh pkg
> isn't useful, though).  You could check for that in the actual
> binary pkg.

Ad hoc BUILD_DEFS (those that are added to the package Makefile)
aren't recorded correctly either, and now I see why! The ".for def in
${BUILD_DEFS}" in the fake-pkg target is executed when is
first pulled in, which is not what we want. To DTRT, this goo needs to
be moved into "for def in ${BUILD_DEFS}; ... ; endfor" shell commands.