Subject: Re: Proposal: Sort order for MASTER_SITES
To: Martin J. Laubach <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-pkg
Date: 06/17/1999 16:45:48
On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Martin J. Laubach wrote:
> | Sounds fairly straight-forward, except that the input for MASTER_SORT is
> | fairly unreadable. Can we make this a simple list of globs:
> | 
> | 	MASTER_SORT= * *.at *
> | 
> | or maybe even skip the "*." part, as that one's pretty obvious?
>   Yes and no.
>   Yes of course, we can. Do we want to? Not obvious, we made it
> match the whole url so you can actually do things like give
> preference to http over ftp. But perhaps that is just an
> unnecessary gimmick?

Well, why shouldn't match any of the above the whole url?
I mean, '' matches as good as '\*' (or however many
backslashes that were).

 - Hubert

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