Subject: Re: PR 26108 (losing clock ticks with MP)
To: Chuck Silvers <>
From: Mike Cheponis <mac@Wireless.Com>
List: tech-perform
Date: 03/28/2005 13:11:35
On Mon, 28 Mar 2005, Chuck Silvers wrote:
> I tried this too just now, and it didn't seem to make any difference.
> my test machine loses about 10 microseconds per second both when that
> dd pipeline is running and when the machine is idle.
This represents a clock source stability of -10 PPM; that is indeed
extraordinary for a non-compensated crystal-controlled clock source.
Typical crystals show a +/- 40 PPM short-term performance (not taking aging
or temperature into account, because that would push it even more.)
Good sources, such as the Digitally Compensated Oscillators, can achieve
+/- 0.3 PPM, but I have never seen those used as computer clocks.
In short, 10 PPM seems mighty good!