Subject: Re: NetBSD 2 vs the rest with MySQL
To: Chuck Silvers <>
From: SODA Noriyuki <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 02/16/2005 04:18:41
>>>>> On Tue, 15 Feb 2005 09:34:56 -0800, Chuck Silvers <> said:
> but it occurs to me that there's an easier way to
> achieve most of the same effect: use UVM loaning instead of uiomove()
> to transfer the data in write().
> but I bet
> that many applications that do multi-page write()s will happen to be using
> page-aligned memory addresses as well. I verified that this is the case
> for mysql, at least in the default configuration.
> the past few days I've been finishing my code for loaning-for-read()
> that I've been infrequently fiddling with for probably a couple years now,
> I'll post about it on tech-kern shortly. loaning for write() shouldn't
> be much harder than for read().
Mmmm, great.
> (of course, what databases that do their own caching really want is
> unbuffered I/O, but mysql appears to rely on the OS file cache since
> the mysqld process is only 60MB on this machine with 3GB of RAM.
> maybe that's just how it's configured by default,
The MySQL configuration that the author of the report used is
described in previous article:
Since the machine only has 512MB RAM, more than half of the memory
(256MB+8MB) are allocated to the database cache.
> unbuffered I/O would also be a fair bit of work to
> implement, but I'd like to see that in netbsd eventually.)
Yeah, direct I/O must be better for database applications.