Subject: Benchmark: NetBSD 2.0 beats FreeBSD 5.3 in server performance
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 01/06/2005 02:01:04
Gregory McGarry asked me to host and advertize this paper for him:
Abstract: ``With the recent releases of NetBSD 2.0 and FreeBSD 5.3 operating
system, many new and exciting features have been implemented. Both criticism
and commendation on performance, reliability and scalability have been directed
towards these releases.
This paper presents a suite of benchmarks and results for comparing the
performance of these operating systems. The benchmarks target core operating
system functionality, server scalability and thread implementation. These
benchmarks are useful server-based criteria for demanding applications such as
loaded webservers, databases, and voice-over-IP (VoIP) media relays. The
results indicate that NetBSD has surpassed FreeBSD in performance on nearly
every benchmark and is poised to grab the title of the best operating system
for the server environment.''
- Hubert
NetBSD - Free AND Open! (And of course secure, portable, yadda yadda)