Subject: Re: Linux gets O(1) scheduler
To: Sam Leffler <>
From: Jesper Louis Andersen <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 12/27/2003 02:24:27
Quoting Sam Leffler (
> Who got what from where is unclear, but it's true that some of the
> performance claims associated with the Linux scheduler did inspire
> some of Jeff's work.
> Look at Jeff's ULE paper that was presented at the latest BSDCon.
USENIX itself takes a login/password pair for the paper.
It seems there is an available copy at
Down the more (insane) scheduler games I've heard about is a
Domain Specific Language for schedulers and runtime change of scheduler.
I might be able to find papers on that if it has interest, but it is
more language-theoretic research than usefullness probably.