Subject: Re: Please help me tune NetBSD for
To: Felix von Leitner <>
From: Alfred Perlstein <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 10/27/2003 09:55:23
* Niels Provos <> [031027 09:15] wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 24, 2003 at 04:21:36PM +0200, Felix von Leitner wrote:
> > Please also tell me if you have suggestions for other benchmarks that
> > say something about the scalability of an operating system, that I could
> > (and should) include in my benchmark suite.
> Well, I guess that the standard file discriptor allocation benchmark is
> still missing. It sort of works like this:
> 1. Allocate n files, (just open /dev/null)
> 2. Close file[1]
> 3. Close file[n] or close a file randomly
> 4. Measure the time that it takes to open two files.
> There is an old paper from Mogul in which he identifies file descriptor
> allocation as one of the bottleneck of web servers.
I thought it would be interesting to add a sysctl or syscall that told
the system "i don't need the next lowest free descriptor, any will do"
so that applications could use that.
Problem is does Libc need it?
- Alfred Perlstein
- Research Engineering Development Inc.
- email: cell: 408-480-4684