Subject: Re: tuning for small memory machines
To: Perry E. Metzger <>
From: James Chacon <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 11/30/2002 02:58:25
Getting the "best" numbers for a given server may take trial and error.

At a minimum it should probably be documented some baseline numbers to use

1. file server
2. desktop machine
3. General use machine (random login host)

I'm assuming any default numbers will work for a dedicated server host that
can keep the service in main memory (like a DNS server).

Since in general those 3 types are fairly generic and in some cases have
highly different default percentages. Also noting high vs low memory couldn't
hurt if that has impact.


>Brian Chase <> writes:
>> So somewhere between Simon Burge's 8MB pc532 and my 16MB VAX, there's a
>> zone where increasing anonmax can be useful.  I really don't have a very
>> good idea of what anonmax does yet,
>Anonmax/min sets the maximum/minimum amount of physical memory that can be used
>for program data. execmax/min covers program binaries, filemin/max
>covers file buffer space.
>Generally, you want to tune the three so that you minimize disk
>i/o. Trial and error seem to work best -- the right numbers are highly
>dependent on job mix.