Subject: Re: tuning for small memory machines
To: Wojciech Puchar <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 11/27/2002 13:15:56
# and i think is wrong. setting anonmax to 99 instead of 80 won't make much
# difference in usual cases, but will makes things better in unusual like
# simple few kB program processing gigabytes of data using for eg 500MB
# memory on 512MB machine.

On a related note, I'm doing some embedded systems work, and I note that
the difference between 1.4.X and 1.6 is like the difference between
water and cold road tar.

The booter is much slower as well; what's up with that?  I'm using the
INSTALL_TINY kernel with DUMMY_NOPS config'd in and most other stuff
ripped out.

The propellor spins at about three ticks per second, the thing finally
loads, and the boot messages spit out much slower than before (i.e.
I can watch them before they have a chance to dash off the screen).
Once it gets to "root on wd0a dumps on wd0b" it sits there for about
three minutes before giving me any hint that it's going to give me a
shell prompt.  I'm working in 8MB of RAM, and I'm looking for any
performance tips that I can work into this kernel which might help
my cause, because the current performance is unacceptable.

i386 arch, 386/40 processor.

NetBSD: priapic OS