Subject: Re: UBC performance/tuning "issues"
To: NetBSD Performance Technical Discussion List <tech-perform@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Martin Weber <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 06/19/2002 23:36:58
On Wed, Jun 19, 2002 at 05:34:50PM -0400, Perry E. Metzger wrote:
> There should be a man page for this. I'll get one done.
You rock :)
> In general, though, UBC is pretty easy to tune. If you're spending all
> your time paging in executables, raise execmin until you feel your
> performance is happy. If you are paging anons in constantly, raise
> anonmin until that one is happy.
On the danger I'll look like a complete idiot: how do I see what portions
are being paged in ? I know about vmstat (-s), but how do I relate the pagein
requests (from my vmstat:
8477 pagein requests
1217 pageout requests
) to the three areas ?