Subject: Re: more Q&D results [hash for use in the kernel]
To: ozan s. yigit <>
From: Andrea Cocito <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 11/29/2001 19:24:46
oz said:
>I use the McKenzie et. al measure for goodness, namely the ratio
>between the ideal number of probes to locate each word in the table
>vs the number of probes the function at hand generated, indicated as Rn
>in my table.
>ideal number of probes is W(W+N)/2N, where W is the number of words
>to hash, and N is the size of the hash table, obviously. :)
Well... I did not know about McKenzie ratio (that you called
Rn in your tests), but as a matter of fact we are doing the same
thing, unless I miss something:
Rn = 1/score
The bigger my "score" is, the lower Rn is, the better the hash function
While there.. I took ten minutes to remove the pipeline stall in
my code (I think compilers should do their -O2 job better :P), this
is the new toy, always faster than perl hash:
unsigned int
nemhash(unsigned char *str, size_t len)
unsigned int hash;
hash = 0;
while (len--)
hash += (hash << 8) + *str++;
return (hash + (hash << 8));
Tests here say:
[nemesi:~/Desktop/hashtest] blackye% cat filenames /usr/share/dict/words | ./hash s 32769
total items: 353407
hash dumb score 5.318160e-02 time 0.285sec
hash fnv score 9.174211e-01 time 0.427sec
hash lennart score 9.160142e-01 time 0.383sec
hash crc score 9.101253e-01 time 0.398sec
hash perl score 8.923864e-01 time 0.355sec
hash mouse score 6.621882e-01 time 0.421sec
hash nemesi score 9.162064e-01 time 0.340sec
[nemesi:~/Desktop/hashtest] blackye% cat filenames /usr/share/dict/words | ./hash s 65536
total items: 353407
hash dumb score 2.677079e-02 time 0.303sec
hash fnv score 8.507784e-01 time 0.400sec
hash lennart score 8.496121e-01 time 0.389sec
hash crc score 4.150457e-01 time 0.411sec
hash perl score 8.514676e-01 time 0.346sec
hash mouse score 2.490107e-01 time 0.441sec
hash nemesi score 7.981116e-01 time 0.334sec
[nemesi:~/Desktop/hashtest] blackye%
Andrea Cocito
Director of the Biocomputing Research Unit
Department of Experimental Oncology
Europen Institute of Oncology
Via Ripamonti 435, Milano - Italy
Tel. +39-02-57489857
Fax. +39-02-57489851