Subject: Re: Bad NFS performance
To: Dominik Westner <>
From: Frank van der Linden <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 05/06/2001 15:46:03
On Fri, May 04, 2001 at 08:40:03PM +0200, Dominik Westner wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am having problems with the NFS performance between a NetBSD1.5
> (server) and a MacOSX10.0.2 (client) machine.
> While I get about 6,8MB/s between two MacOSX machines both read/write. I
> only get below 1MB/s write and about 6,7MB/s read performance between
> NetBSD and MacOSX.
To check if it's the raid set that is somehow causing slow NFS write
performance, you can try to use the async option (mount .. -o async ..)
to the exported filesystem, and see if performance improves in that
case. Not recommended in production usage, but just as an indicator.
What I have also seen causing this kind of problem is badly
negotiated media type. Check if both sides agree that they
are both using the same media and duplex settings on their
ethernet interfaces. Also, you could check with UDP/TCP
benchmarks (or just a plain ftp both ways) if the networking
speed is ok.
- Frank
Frank van der Linden
Quality NetBSD CDs, Support & Service.