Subject: Re: Slow system performance while heavy I/O activity
To: Matthias Scheler <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 03/14/2001 21:19:44
On Wed, Mar 14, 2001 at 05:06:40PM +0100, Matthias Scheler wrote:
> Hello,
> today I complaint about the performance on one of my NetBSD machines which
> was running a CVS update of a local source tree from a local mirror of
> NetBSD's CVS repository. The I/O load caused severe delays during
> interactive work.
> I wonder if there can be done anything about this without a complete
> rewrite of NetBSD's VFS and I/O code. What would e.g. happen if I move
> the partitions with the source tree and CVS repository on a seperate
> disk. Will that make the system more responsive? How well does NetBSD
> scale with multiple hostadapters and drives?
While you're doing this, run a 'systat vm' and watch the disks's stats
If the disks are close to 100% busy, then maybe disk is the bottlenek
In this case moving CVS and source tree to their own disk would
surely help.
Manuel Bouyer, LIP6, Universite Paris VI.