Subject: Re: File system performance on i386
To: None <>
From: Christoph Hellwig <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 02/23/2001 19:34:21
On Fri, Feb 23, 2001 at 05:59:11PM +0100, wrote:
> > > IIRC ext2fs doesn't have fragments, but some quite similar concept.
> >
> > No. Ext2 uses smaller blocksizes and tries to allocate them more
> > contingous instead.
> default block size with new linux dists (2.2 based) is 4kB instead of 1kB
> so we have lot of waste.
mke2fs(8) will tell you that it is dependand on the fs size.
> > recovery?
> because this means filesystem with files of rubbish, but in consistent
> state.
Right - exactly the statment I wanted to hear. What does it help me to have a
'consinstent' fs that lost my data. Fsck should (and actually e2fsck does, even
if you sometimes have to press 'y' very often) be able to fix the consistency -
losing the data is irreperable.
P.S. ok, stop the flame - softupdates and journaling are there, it shouldn't really
matter - especially as ffs derivates have _never_ guranteed 100% data integrity...
Of course it doesn't work. We've performed a software upgrade.