Subject: Re: File system performance on i386
To: Bharani Chadalavada <>
From: Antti Kantee <>
List: tech-perform
Date: 02/23/2001 09:40:11
On Thu Feb 22 2001 at 22:56:54 -0800, Bharani Chadalavada wrote:
> I already have softdep in there. May be you are write. Our source repos has a
> lot of directories and it involves a big directory walk. A lot of files are
> created in the process, including ofcourse the obj files.
> I am using ext2fs on linux. Does that mean ext2fs is much better than ffs??
No, ext2fs is pretty much a copy of ffs. The speed difference is due to
the fact that linux does metadata operations asynchronously where NetBSD
does them synchronously. Sure, it's faster, but the real fun begins when
you accidentally for one reason or another have the filesystem violently
unmount itself in the middle of a heavy operation (eg. due to a power
failure). *pooof*, no more filesystem.
You can duplicate this reckless behaviour with NetBSD by giving the `-o
async' mount flag. However, a much better idea is to use softdeps, which
gives the best of both worlds: speed and safety. I really am quite
surprised it's not helping you, as my experiences have been quite
positive. Are you absolutely sure softdeps are turned on?
Antti Kantee <> v Of course he runs NetBSD i