To: None <>
From: Izumi Tsutsui <>
List: tech-net
Date: 06/20/2007 21:10:32 wrote:

> > - ANSI style function declarations are better
> > - no need __P() at least for new functions
> > - memset() rather than bzero()
> I tried to stay coherent with the current code. In a secund time, I plan to
> ansify all the  key management code.

Okay, I'll leave them to maintainers.

> > - IPSEC_NAT_T option should be defflag'ed in files.netipsec?
> It is already defflag'ed in files.ipsec so I can't defined another time in
> files.netipsec.

Ah, I didn't notice netinet6/files.ipsec...
(BTW, can options IPSEC_NAT_T be defined without options INET6?)

> > - I wonder if some pointer casts might cause problems
> >   on gcc -fstrict-aliasing
> I have ran my test with kernel compiled with -O2. From the documentation,
> -O2 enables -fstrict-aliasing and I didn't notice any strange things.

src/sys/conf/ has "CFLAGS+= -fno-strict-aliasing"
so currently we won't have any problem on our kernel, but it might
be better to confirm C99 restriction in newer code.
(though other our code might have the similar problems anyway)
Izumi Tsutsui