Subject: Re: Teredo client/server/relay for NetBSD?
To: David Young <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-net
Date: 04/03/2005 12:37:02
On Sat, 2 Apr 2005, David Young wrote:
> Does that make any more sense?


Can you run something like 6to4 (NetBSD's stf(4)) on the NAT router?
Works fine for me,  and I can access all machines with IPv6 behind the 
(v4) NAT router from outside.

Documentation for 6to4 is here:,you 
ma find the pkgsrc/net/hf6to4 pkg useful.

There are other approaches that use "fixed" v6 numbers with "tunnel 
brokers", but I've never used them. They all need to run on the NAT 
router though.

Looking at Toredo[1] it seemt to tunnel the v6 pkgs similar to 6to4, but 
uses a NAT-friendlier encapsulation (v4 UDP instead of some non-IP 
protocol, that's unlikely to be handled by NAT).

  - Hubert

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