Subject: Re: RFC: local address selection
To: Tom Ivar Helbekkmo <>
From: Emmanuel Dreyfus <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/15/2004 16:46:11
On Mon, Nov 15, 2004 at 10:51:18AM +0100, Tom Ivar Helbekkmo wrote:
> On the other hand, I can't get it to work here.  :-(  That is, the
> assignment of a source address in the routing table entry works, but
> the routing entry then fails to be useful.  For instance:
> I would conclude that -ifa must only be used to choose an address on
> the correct interface for the outgoing traffic -- but then I am under
> the impression that you, Emmanuel, got this to work...?

I changed my configuration to match the working configuration: the internal
address used for the VPN is now allocated on the ethernet interface.

The thing probably still needs to be fixed, but as it does what I need, I
won't rush on it. :)

Emmanuel Dreyfus