Subject: NetBSD 2.0 + Atheros monitor mode + tcpdump = no 802.11 ACKs?
To: None <>
From: David Hudak <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/10/2004 09:30:56

Question for the group:  I am using NetBSD 2.0 with an Atheros 5212 
radio.  I put the radio in monitor mode and do tcpdump -D IEEE802_11... 
I have seen the following...
1.  beacons
2.  probe requests, probe responses
3.  auth requests, auth responses
4.  association requests, association responses
5.  data frames

But, I have not seen any 802.11 ACKs.  Is this expected behavior?  I 
know that they are there, since a sniff with KisMAC using an original 
Apple Airport (i.e., Orinoco) card shows them.

David E. Hudak, Ph.D.
Terabeam Wireless
525 Metro Place North, Suite 100
Dublin, OH  43017
Office:  614-822-5275
Fax:     614-822-0024