Subject: postfix rDNS verification and getaddrinfo()
To: None <>
From: Wolfgang S. Rupprecht <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/15/2003 14:45:55
I'm trying to track down why pkgsrc's postfix doesn't verify a
hostname lookup for me this morning.  Situation:

        connection from []
        rDNS lookup yields name
        DNS verification of yields one IP address, 
                [].  (Note this address is NOT the address 
                from step #1.  We have a very clear forgery.)
        postfix incorrectly accepted the name[]

The ipv6 patches look like they no longer verify the IP address at
all.  There is a lookup done of the name, but the resulting IP address
or addreses are never checked against anything.  Is there something
that getaddrinfo() is doing behind the scenes?  There is a comment in
the code that "memcmp() isn't needed if we use getaddrinfo".  I don't
understand that comment.


	    memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints));
	    hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC;
	    hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
	    error = getaddrinfo(state->name, NULL, &hints, &rnull);
	    if (error) {
		msg_warn("%s: hostname %s verification failed: %s",
		         state->addr, state->name, GAI_STRERROR(error));
	    /* memcmp() isn't needed if we use getaddrinfo */
	    if (rnull)

Is this the bug?

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht
(NOTE: The email address above is valid.  Edit it at your own peril.)