Subject: Multipath routing Netbsd + Kame
To: None <>
From: Emmanuel Khamissian <>
List: tech-net
Date: 01/17/2002 03:17:52

I have installed KAME and NetBSD 1.5.2  on a i386 machine which have 3
interfaces, one internal and two externals.

I have put two default routes, but when i do a netstat -nr or netstat -ni i
see that only one external interface is used.

Can somebody help me and give me a way  to  work on ?


Emmanuel Khamissian
Ingénieur Systèmes & Réseaux

S.A.S Euresys
75, AV. de l'Europe - ZAC L'Anjoly
Immeuble Héliopolis - Entrée A2
13127 Vitrolles
Tél : 04 42 41 51 00
Fax : 04 42 41 51 01

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