Subject: Re: CVS commit: basesrc
To: Jim Wise <>
From: Nathan J. Williams <nathanw@MIT.EDU>
List: tech-net
Date: 12/29/2000 22:28:51
[moved from source-changes to tech-net]

Jim Wise <> writes:

> On 29 Dec 2000, Nathan J. Williams wrote:
> >Networks have gotten more complicated, and the tools needed to make
> >them run have proliferated. Supporting, out of the box, remote /usr
> >over all possible networking configurations strikes me as absurd.
> On the one hand, this is correct.  On the other hand, the project has
> made a very strong effort to treat IPv6 and IPSec as first class
> citizens in all respects -- people have worked very hard to make things
> like NIS and NFS run over IPv6/IPSec, and even looked into making more
> obscure things like ruptime and talk work (the latter will be Very Hard
> (tm), btw).

My point is that we should decide and document what we support. We do
not have a documented commitement to support (for example) remote /usr
over NFS over IPsec over vlan'd 802.11.

I'll fight you over exactly what we should support, but I hope you
won't give any argument that the current state of vaguely supporting
"remote /usr" doesn't give us any sense of direction.

        - Nathan