Subject: Re: sendmail: adding some features
To: None <>
From: Andrew Brown <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/24/2000 19:15:50
>> 1.4.3 could have a "fixed" default wedged into it,
>> but the sendmail that's there is not about to be
>> replaced...right?
>Right -- I think it's too late for that now.  Could be done if
>we're doing 1.4.4 and someone submitted a pull-up for it.

for the cf, perhaps, but not for the new sendmail.  i think.  pulling
up a new sendmail is a bit more than a bug fix or "small feature".

|-----< "CODE WARRIOR" >-----|             * "ah!  i see you have the internet (Andrew Brown)                that goes *ping*!"       * "information is power -- share the wealth."