Subject: Re: inetd.conf defaults
To: Erik Fair <>
From: Hal Murray <>
List: tech-net
Date: 05/27/2000 23:26:18
I have no strong opinions.

I think a web page discussing the issues would be more valuable.  
Does one exist already?  (I don't remember finding one, but I haven't 
looked carefully recently.) 
Even if the default is high-security, a checklist of the things some 
people might expect to find, a description of the risks, directions 
for how to turn them on, how to make/keep them safe, pitfalls, and 
such would be helpful, especially to non-wizard admins. 

Pointers/links to the fine print in other documentation is fine.  
I'm just looking for a sentence or paragraph describing the risks 
- a checklist of what to look for if you want to keep a NetBSD system 