Subject: Re: ipfilter 3.4beta - ipv6 filtering.
To: None <>
From: Darren Reed <>
List: tech-net
Date: 02/20/2000 02:11:10
In some email I received from Jason Thorpe, sie wrote:
> When you set the rules (which doesn't happen very often), you have in
> the ioctl a "struct sockaddr *addr" and a "size_t addrlen" (like, say,
> the bind(2) system call does).  You copy in that sockaddr separately.
> You then convert the data in that sockaddr into the internal representation
> you wish to use.
> This gives you:
> 	- flexibility (when new IP versions come along, for example).  Why
> 	  do you care about this?  Well, even though you claim that IP Filter
> 	  was originally for IPv4 only, you obviously saw some value in
> 	  adding IPv6 support, so why not take the opportunity to fix
> 	  a simple bogon in the ioctl interface to make it easier to add
> 	  support for some other address family which you might find useful
> 	  to use in the future?
> 	- performance -- you're still using your regular internal
> 	  representation on the inside, *not sockaddrs*.

The structure which would hold the pointers to the sockaddr's is the same
one which holds the end addresses.  That is, when a filter rule is loaded,
the entire struct is passed straight into the kernel which looks up
interface names and links it up to groups, etc.  All of the IP addresses
and ports used in doing the checks are stored in that single struct.

That struct has always had the IP version number in it, so it already has
a key to know whether the contents are IPv4/IPv6.  I've used the same
struct for IPv4 and IPv6.  The problem is that it gets sized differently
for IPv4 and IPv6 compiles - maybe this should be fixed in another manner.