Subject: Re: Poor NFS-performance
To: Anders Welen <>
From: Christian E. Hopps <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/17/1999 19:28:52
Anders Welen <> writes:

> Bill Sommerfeld wrote:
> > 
> >    I'm having problem with really poor NFS performance between NetBSD and
> >    Solaris 2.6.
> > 
> > What *specific* symptoms are you seeing?  slow reads?  slow writes?
> Both. Even if writing is by far the slowest.
> > 
> > Can you see if the problem gets any better if you change solaris to
> > mount the NetBSD fileserver with rsize=8192,wsize=8192?
> > 
> I already tried that with no luck.
> The machine was running NetBSD 1.3.3 earlier and even if the combination
> NetBSD and Solaris was the worst one earlier too, it wasn't as slow as
> it is now when running 1.4. It's almost as it getting slower and slower.
> I tried to reboot the Solaris-client with no luck. I've not been able to
> reboot the server due to that simple fact that other are using it ;)
> But I can't see how that should help when other clients (NetBSD and
> Linux)
> have no problems.

I found that nfs over tcp wasn't as happy for me as nfs over udp.  By
default the netbsd server will do both and solaris will request tcp by
default I believe.  Try changing this to force udp.
