Subject: Re: IPV6 "ipv4" addresses
To: Michael Graff <>
From: None <>
List: tech-net
Date: 08/08/1999 18:36:05
>>It seems that if I open an ipv6 socket and send a packet to the ipv4
>>address (or to the ipv4 encapusated in an ipv6 address, with the ipv4
>>prefix) NetBSD doesn't send this out the wire as an IPV4 packet, but
>>instead I get "no route to host."
>>linux does this right, as do other ipv6 stacks I've dabbled in
>>recently.  Shouldn't we?
>	You mean "IPv4-mapped IPv6 address" (::ffff:, section 2.5.4 in
>	rfc2373), or "IPv4-compatible IPv6 address" (::, section 2
>	in rfc1933)?

	see sys/netinet6/IMPLEMENTATION for more detailed list of what is
	supported and what is not.

onally do not support those (due to security reasons, and becaues automatic tunnels are too hard to keep track of). Use configured tunnels (gif interface) instead. itojun