Subject: Re: Where to get IPv6 basic instructions
To: Matthias Scheler <>
From: None <>
List: tech-net
Date: 07/23/1999 10:55:20
>while other already discuss technical problem I'm still stuck with the basic
>questions. Is there a FAQ explaining differences between configuring IPv4 and
>IPv6 networking? Where do I get address space? What sites can be reached via
>IPv6 already?

	Here are good starters: (where the codebase come from) (FAQs and other documents) (generic FAQs)
	RFCs, i-ds, and others.

	I think I have to put something onto, but I really
	I don't know where is the best place to put it (webpage, manpage,
	Obviously you cannot find resources for configuring IPv4 node or
	finding IPv4 ISPs in manpages, you need to go to bookshop for that.
