Subject: Re: 3c905b Ethernet Cards
To: None <>
From: Christian E. Hopps <>
List: tech-net
Date: 02/17/1999 12:50:18
Thor Lancelot Simon <> writes:

> > Definitely not for two reasons:
> > 1.) Christian Hopps had the same problems when he replaced a Tulip board
> >     with an Intel board.
> "The same problems"?
> How can you be willing to claim that there's some generic driver issue
> (which is contraindicated by the experience of many other users) based on
> such vague descriptions as "slow as hell" and "the same problems".

Unfortunetly many things changed on my server at one time when I
witnessed the slowdown so please don't consider my case an
example.  Since its my work's server I'm not in a position to
swap the fxp's back in to test.
