Subject: Re: making our tcp/ip a strong-end system
To: None <>
From: Perry E. Metzger <>
List: tech-net
Date: 11/13/1998 13:07:28

Screw the peanut gallery. Please add your option. If they don't want
to use it, they don't have to use it. You and I both want it. Put it


Darren Reed writes:
> Geez, lets look at other sysctl's which can be replaced with IP Filter:
> net.inet.ip.directed-broadcast
> net.inet.ip.forwsrcrt
> net.inet.ip.allowsrcrt
> net.inet.ip.redirect
> net.inet.ip.forwarding
> net.inet.icmp.maskrepl
> Why not just enable each of the above and control it through packet
> filter lists in IP Filter ?
> The sysctl Luke is proposing is a "simple" switch that has benefits
> other than security.
> Darren