Subject: multicast interop
To: None <tech-net@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Michael C. Richardson <>
List: tech-net
Date: 03/28/1998 12:07:28
  Anyone have any thoughts of attending this interop session?

  [Anybody in NetBSD land able to provide a DVMRP tunnel for next week?]

From: Marty Bickford <martinb@STARDUST.COM>
Subject:      IETF, Interoperability and IPMI Update

__ IP Multicast Update _____________________________________

 - IETF 40 Report

   You can now read what happened at the last IETF event
   relative to IP Multicast. This is normally an IPMI
   Member-only report. But in preparation for the IETF
   meeting next week in Los Angeles, we are making it
   available to you. Visit the IP Multicast Technical
   Resource Center to get your copy.

 - IP Multicast Interoperability Invitational

   IPMI is preparing the first ever IP Multicast event
   focused on interoperability. We encourage to you to
   support the companies involved. Involved companies
   can use the "IP Multicast Ready" logo, look for it
   in the IP Multicast Deployment Guide.

 - IPMI Membership Info

   Visit the new information on IPMI Membership. We have
   outlined what IPMI will be doing in 1998 and the
   tremendous benefits you can receive as a Member.

   Take a look today!

Marty Bickford                       408.879.8080 (8081-fax)
Stardust Forums