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Intersystem build environment questions

I've received feedback from Harvard. What I want is to be sure that I
understand the concept and can execute it correctly.

I have SSH set up to log into the iMac running Debian. The assumption
is that the script is run on the iMac and it is exported to the
Is the SSH setup right? PMac to iMac? Also assume that the script is
run on the iMac and I am running a simple SSH user@. Is it

ln -s


I have Debian running on an iMac G4 and FreeBSD running on a QuickSilver G4.

1. The assumption is that the script is ran on the iMac. Considering
that SSH between both machines is set up, is the exporting:
a) From the iMac to the QuickSilver.
b) The inverse of the above.
c) Is it ran from the same terminal used for the SSH login
d) Or from another terminal connected on the target to the SSHed login?

If the exporting is done such as stated in d above, then how do I set
that up properly?

Also, does the shell type in the original environment need to match
the shell of the target environment or is it an irrelevant point?

I'm using the standard ssh user@ for logins.

If the method to use is NFS with a and b being replaced with the NFS
variables- being both server and client, then which similar method is
the correct one? Is the script setup in /usr/share/java,
/usr/lib/java, or both?

The following is what Harvard and I discussed with my reply to him added.

On 4/8/12, Havard Eidnes <> wrote:
>> I need a walk through with this or a skeleton to build on.
>> I want to do similar using Debian PowerPC as the original environment
>> and FreeBSD PowerPC as the target environment.
>>  o java needs to be able to read from stdin.  This means you
>>    can't use "ssh -n", which again means that the build job has
>>    to run in the foreground with access to the tty (yuk...).
>> Ok, is this from the source to the target or vice versa?
> Most of the building is being done using the native C compiler on
> the target of your porting efforts.  There's just a few times
> java needs to be run during the building.  But since you don't
> have a usable java on your target host, you need assistance from
> another host where you have a usable java compiler.
> In my setup I made the porting tree available via the same path
> name on the "assist me" machine as on the actual target, using
> NFS.  I suggest you do the same, to stroke the dog with the
> hairs...
>> I understand that this is advanced compiling.
> Well...
>> TtyX -> ttyY such that Y is the SSH session and X is the local tty.
>> How is it done?
> The ssh'ing is done as part of the "java" script in boot-java/bin/, in
> my case it has embedded the host name of the assist host I used, and
> the full pathname on the assistance host of the actual working java
> compiler, the "java" script looks in my case like this:
> #! /bin/sh
> d=`pwd`
> echo ssh bean 'cd '$d'; /usr/pkg/java/jdk-1.5.0/bin/java ' "$@" >&2
> ssh bean 'cd '$d'; /usr/pkg/java/jdk-1.5.0/bin/java ' "$@"
> where "bean" is the name of the NetBSD/i386 host I used to bootstrap
> the java on NetBSD/amd64.  You need to modify these scripts to fit
> your environment.
>> I'm thinking that building the java dependencies such as ANT on the
>> target environment and then building the javavm and plugin. I could
>> then do a native build of everything again.
> I'm not sure that's necessary.
I meant that I want to build the necessary parts on the target and,
once that is complete, do a native build on the target environment
> ANT isn't installed on the host I did
> the port to NetBSD/amd64 on.  Then again I did this a fair while ago,
> ref. 1.5 being "current" at the time, and I've not re-tried the
> procedure with openjdk 7 (isn't that the current version at the
> moment?)
OpenJDK8 is available; but, OpenJDK7 is the "standard."
> Regards,
> - Håvard
Thanks for replying.  I'm asking about to be certain everything that I
understand everything; unfortunately, I'm afraid I'm losing people on
it. So, I'm going to post on the netbsd tech-misc help.
Yes, I will use what you told me here.

Anywhere that I am wrong, please let me know.

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